Tin tức & Sự kiện

Mẹo Làm Bài Tập "Câu Tường Thuật" Tiếng Anh Từ A-Z


Bạn muốn tự tin thuật lại lời nói của người khác một cách tự nhiên và chính xác trong tiếng Anh? "Câu tường thuật" chính là chìa khóa!

Bài viết này sẽ trang bị cho bạn kiến thức đầy đủ từ A-Z về câu tường thuật tiếng Anh (Reported Speech), bao gồm khái niệm, quy tắc chuyển đổi chi tiết, ví dụ minh họa đa dạng và cả những trường hợp đặc biệt.



Câu Tường Thuật là gì?


Câu tường thuật, hay còn gọi là câu gián tiếp, được sử dụng khi bạn muốn diễn đạt lại ý của người khác một cách gián tiếp, không phải bằng chính xác từ ngữ mà họ đã dùng.




Ví dụ:

  • Câu trực tiếp: "I love pizza," she said.

  • Câu tường thuật: She said that she loved pizza.


Quy Tắc Chung Khi Chuyển Câu Trực Tiếp Sang Câu Tường Thuật




1. Lùi thì của động từ:


Hãy xem bảng sau để nắm vững quy tắc lùi thì:


Câu Trực Tiếp Câu Gián Tiếp Ví dụ
Hiện tại đơn (V/Vs/es) Quá khứ đơn (Ved/ V2) "I eat breakfast," he said. → He said that he ate breakfast.
Hiện tại tiếp diễn (am/is/are + Ving) Quá khứ tiếp diễn (was/were + Ving) "They are playing soccer," she said. → She said that they were playing soccer.
Hiện tại hoàn thành (have/has + Ved/V3) Quá khứ hoàn thành (had + Ved/V3) "We have finished the project," they said. → They said that they had finished the project.
Quá khứ đơn (Ved/ V2) Quá khứ hoàn thành (had + Ved/V3) "She went to Paris," he said. → He said that she had gone to Paris.
Tương lai đơn (will + V) Tương lai đơn trong quá khứ (would + V) "I will help you," she promised. → She promised that she would help me.
Can Could "I can swim," he said. → He said that he could swim.
May Might "You may go now," the teacher said. → The teacher said that I might go then.
Must Had to "You must study hard," my mother told me. → My mother told me that I had to study hard.


Lưu ý:

  • "Must" cũng có thể được giữ nguyên nếu diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên hoặc một sự bắt buộc vẫn còn hiệu lực.

  • Thì quá khứ hoàn thành và modal verbs (could, would, should, might) được giữ nguyên trong câu gián tiếp.


2. Thay đổi đại từ nhân xưng, đại từ sở hữu, tính từ sở hữu:


Câu Trực Tiếp Câu Gián Tiếp Ví dụ
I he/she "I am tired," she said. → She said that she was tired.
We they "We are going to the beach," they said. → They said that they were going to the beach.
You I/he/she/they "You are a good friend," he said to me. → He told me that I was a good friend.
My his/her "This is my book," she said. → She said that that was her book.
Our their "That is our house," they said. → They said that that was their house.
Your my/his/her/their "This is your pen," I said to him. → I told him that that was his pen.
Mine his/hers "This car is mine," he said. → He said that that car was his.


3. Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn:


Câu Trực Tiếp Câu Gián Tiếp Ví dụ
Here There "I live here," he said. → He said that he lived there.
Now Then "I am busy now," she said. → She said that she was busy then.
Today That day "We are meeting today," they said. → They said that they were meeting that day.
Tomorrow The next day/ The following day "I will call you tomorrow," he promised. → He promised that he would call me the next day.
Yesterday The day before/ The previous day "I went to the cinema yesterday," she said. → She said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.
This That "This is my favorite song," he said. → He said that that was his favorite song.
These Those "These are my friends," she said. → She said that those were her friends.
Ago Before "I met him two days ago," she said. → She said that she had met him two days before.


Cấu Trúc Câu Tường Thuật Theo Các Loại Câu


1. Câu kể:


Cấu trúc: S + say(s)/ said/ tell/ told + (that) + S + V


Ví dụ:

"I am going to the store," he said. → He said (that) he was going to the store.

"I have been to Paris twice," she told me. → She told me (that) she had been to Paris twice.


2. Câu hỏi Yes/No:


Cấu trúc: S + asked/ wanted to know/ wondered + if/whether + S + V


Ví dụ:

"Are you coming to the party?" she asked me. → She asked me if/whether I was coming to the party.

"Have you seen my keys?" he asked her. → He asked her if/whether she had seen his keys.


3. Câu hỏi Wh-:


Cấu trúc: S + asked/ wanted to know/ wondered + Wh-word + S + V


Ví dụ:

"What are you doing?" he asked me. → He asked me what I was doing.

"Where did you go yesterday?" she asked him. → She asked him where he had gone the day before.


4. Câu mệnh lệnh/ yêu cầu:


Cấu trúc: S + asked/ told/ demanded + O + (not) to V


Ví dụ:

"Close the door," she told me. → She told me to close the door.

"Don't be late," he said to me. → He asked/told me not to be late.


5. Câu cảm thán:


Cấu trúc: S + exclaimed/ said + that + S + V (thường sử dụng tính từ/ trạng từ để diễn tả cảm xúc)


Ví dụ:

"What a beautiful dress!" she said. → She exclaimed that the dress was very beautiful.

"How wonderful!" he said. → He said that it was wonderful.


6. Câu đề nghị:


Cấu trúc: S + suggested + V-ing

Ví dụ: "Let's go to the cinema," he said. → He suggested going to the cinema.


Cấu trúc: S + suggested + that + S + (should) + V

Ví dụ: "You should see a doctor," she said. → She suggested that I (should) see a doctor.


Trường Hợp Đặc Biệt


1. Không lùi thì khi:


Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên:

"The sun rises in the east," the teacher said. → The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.


Câu điều kiện loại 2, 3:

"If I were you, I would study harder," he said. → He said that if he were me, he would study harder.


Cấu trúc "Wish + quá khứ đơn/ quá khứ hoàn thành":

"I wish I had a million dollars," she said. → She said that she wished she had a million dollars.


Cấu trúc "It's time somebody did something":

"It's time you went to bed," his mother said. → His mother said that it was time he went to bed.


2. Một số động từ tường thuật phổ biến khác:


  • Admit (thừa nhận): He admitted breaking the window.

  • Deny (phủ nhận): She denied stealing the money.

  • Claim (khẳng định): He claimed to be the best student in the class.

  • Promise (hứa): She promised to call me later.

  • Accuse (buộc tội): He accused me of lying.

  • Apologize (xin lỗi): She apologized for being late.

  • Warn (cảnh báo): He warned me not to go there.

  • Offer (đề nghị): She offered to help me with my homework.

  • Refuse (từ chối): He refused to answer my question.


Bài tập câu tường thuật tiếng Anh


Chuyển đổi các câu sau về dạng câu tường thuật


  1. “I love this song,” he said. 
  2. “We went to the cinema yesterday,” they told me. 
  3. “I will send you a postcard when I arrive in Paris,” she promised him. 
  4. “Are you coming to the party tonight?” Peter asked Mary. 
  5. “What are you doing?” she asked her brother. 
  6. “Don't forget to buy milk on your way home,” she told her husband. 
  7. “How beautiful you look tonight!” he exclaimed. 
  8. “If I were you, I would study harder,” the teacher advised him. 
  9. “It’s time for dinner,” his mother said. 
  10. “I haven't seen her since last week,” he admitted. 


Đáp án:


  1. He said (that) he loved that song.
  2. They told me that they had gone to the cinema the day before/the previous day.
  3. She promised to send him a postcard when she arrived in Paris.
  4. Peter asked Mary if/whether she was coming to the party that night.
  5. She asked her brother what he was doing.
  6. She reminded her husband to buy milk on his way home.
  7. He exclaimed that she looked very beautiful that night.
  8. The teacher advised him to study harder.
  9. His mother announced that it was time for dinner.
  10. He admitted that he hadn’t seen her since the previous week/ the week before.


Kết Luận


Bài viết này đã cung cấp cho bạn "kim chỉ nam" để chinh phục câu tường thuật tiếng Anh. Hãy ghi nhớ các quy tắc, tham khảo các ví dụ minh họa và luyện tập thường xuyên để sử dụng thành thạo dạng câu này nhé!